Allen West’s Weekly Wrap Up via @Next_GenTV “Its all an Embarrassment”


The embarrassment of Obama’s convictions – His failures are on painful display abroad and at home

Five years ago, candidate Barack Obama pranced out with an arrogant swagger to take the stage before hundreds of thousands in Berlin. Last week, President Barack Obama, walked before a crowd of less than 5,000 Germans and, with feigned arrogance, strenuously attempted to be convincing as he discussed reduction of his own country’s nuclear-deterrent capacity.

The audacity of hope has been overwhelmed by the reality of failure, faults, despair, and scandal – basically the manifestation of incompetence and ineptness. We are witnessing the embodiment of someone possessing a complete lack of conviction – a state senator, a U.S. senator, a president who is still voting “present.”

Obama’s conviction exists but not for the exceptionalism and strength of America. Instead, his conviction is for advancing an agenda not of peace through strength but rather appeasement through egalitarianism. His conviction believes America’s image improves by being liked, not respected, or, in the case of our enemies, feared.

Obama’s conviction believes the U.S. military exists not to uphold its stated mission “to fight and win the nation’s wars” but rather to become a tool for an ill-conceived and misguided vision of social justice. He believes it is better to lift the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy against gays in the military than to have naval vessels that can depart port. He believes it is more important to open “job positions” in the military in close-combat special operation units, Army Rangers and Navy SEALS than to keep Air Force combat squadrons flying.

Obama’s conviction believes Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, an oxymoronic title, must be allowed to castigate as seditious and treasonous the Christians in the military who profess their faith and to condemn them of categorically enacting “spiritual rape.”

It is all an embarrassment.

A weak international stage presence

Last week we watched the audacity of Obama trying to be liked while on stage with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin’s abject disdain for the “leader of the free world” was evident in the look on his face, and he followed the meeting by allowing U.S. National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden to fly from Hong Kong to Russia and then to South America.

We witnessed Obama stand before the German people, who still remember the Stasi secret police, and try to defend the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program. Obama found himself quietly being reprimanded by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the subject during the press conference.

It was an embarrassment.

Obama told us in May during a National Defense University address that our current war must end. We all know he has never been comfortable with the idea of a war on terror; he prefers the term “overseas contingency operations.” And then Obama decided in Ireland it was up to him to redefine who the Taliban must be, in essence telling the Taliban not to be Taliban, in order to promote peace negotiations.

The Taliban responded by opening a political office in Doha, Qatar, and, as they always do, by attacking and killing four American troops at Bagram Air Base. As Russell Crowe’s character Maximus stated in the opening scene of “Gladiator” when the headless body of his peace envoy returned upon a horse, “They say no.”

Taliban spokesman Shaheen Suhail further said the group wants five top former Taliban leaders repatriated to them for Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl.

It was an embarrassment.

Israel’s nightmare in the Middle East

Obama said America would pivot away from the Middle East and just like turning the lights off in a home, the bugs came out. These bugs we know as radical Islamists, and they are populating the region from Nigeria to the Maghreb, to Egypt, across the Levant, through the Middle East and over into Pakistan.

Within that incredible restoration of the Islamic caliphate and the drive toward a unified Sharia state is that small beacon of liberty, freedom and democracy – our strongest ally, Israel. Thanks to the past five years of Obama foreign policy, Israel now finds itself in the most dangerous situation and neighborhood it has faced in quite some time:

  • Against congressional dictate, Secretary of State John Kerry gave the Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt $1.3 billion taxpayer dollars.

  • Hezbollah is engaged along with Iran in supporting Syrian madman Bashar al-Assad.

  • Al Qaeda in Iraq has joined forces with the Al Nusra Front in Syria and formed the Islamic Force of Syria and Iraq.

  • In Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is driving toward an authoritarian Islamist state, against the intent of Kemal Ataturk, and supporting arms flow to the Islamist rebel forces in Syria.

Obama has said “Assad must go” from Syria and drawn red lines but it all comes down to one thing: We intervened in Libya and set up radical Islamists to take power; we dithered in Syria. Talk is cheap, sounds nice and makes folks think you are in charge, but in the end you are just a bystander to deplorable global events.

What an embarrassment.

Domestic tranquility? What’s that?

The embarrassment is evident at home, too.

This past week, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke said the policy of quantitative easing is going to end. That means America will not be printing $85 billion per month to prop up the economy, and the markets reacted.

The Senate and the Congressional Budget Office are trying to make us believe that “legalizing” some 11 million illegal immigrants – this is their guess – will boost our economy. Shame on anyone trying to sell this lie to the American people!

It is summertime and since January 2009, the average price of gasoline has increased by 98 percent, from $1.84 a gallon to $3.64. I am sure Americans will be taking lots more “staycations” this year as a result, yet the president is still chatting us up about climate change.

The U.S. debt, meanwhile, continues to grow and is estimated to hit $17 trillion by the end of this fiscal year, an almost $7 trillion increase since Obama came to power. He certainly is not governing.

Oh, and the welfare state continues to grow.

When Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan spoke at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, their speeches were about liberty and freedom, not adoration and capitulation. They spoke as inspired American leaders who reflected the strength, greatness and promise of America. They energized generations.

I know some people are enthralled with President Barack Obama, but his misguided conviction is not working – not for this generation and certainly not for the next generation. And Americans do not like being embarrassed.

Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen B. West

A Generation Blind To The Threat Of Islam

Brigitte Gabriel knows the hatred of radical Islam firsthand because she experienced it as a child in Lebanon.

She told NextGeneration.TV that her 9/11 happened in 1975 when radical Islamists bombed her home and burned her under the rubble “as they shouted ‘allahu akbar.’ I ended up in a hospital for 2 1/2 months and later lived in a bomb shelter for seven years of my life, underground in an 8 x 10 room, robbed of my youth.”

Memories of those years motivate Gabriel now in her role as president and founder of ACT! for America, a group that aims to not only educate but also empower citizens determined to help ensure national security.

“I lost my country of birth to radical Islam,” she said. “I do not want to lose my adopted home, America.”

Gabriel said it’s difficult for Americans, especially the next generation of them, to understand how Islam influences many of its followers to kill people because it is so foreign to our religious heritage. A key tenant of Judaism is to repair the world and make it better, she said, and Christianity is built upon Jesus Christ’s messages of love forgiveness and prayer for enemies.

By contrast, she said hatred is “embedded in the religion” of Islam. “There is no such thing as tolerance in Islam. And I’m not talking about a handful of radicals. I’m talking about nations.”

Gabriel said her goal is to awaken Americans to the dangerous state of affairs in the Middle East these days. She said the “wishy-washy” policies of the Obama administration have left Israelis frightened as they see radical Islam making inroads in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and elsewhere.

“We are asleep, and America is blind,” she warned. Learn more about the dangers from her interview with Allen West.

Allen West Weekly Wrap Up 5/31/13 via @Next_GenTV


The Obama Capitulation Campaign – His foreign policy has weakened the U.S. abroad


This week was started with Memorial Day, a day when we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this great American republic. We in the West household each expressed what Memorial Day meant to us.


Our exchange student Lin explained “Soldier’s Day” in China to us. On that day, the Chinese remember the horrors of World War II, such as the rape of Nanking. Our youngest daughter, Austen, read Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address,” the greatest remembrance speech for the fallen. Still today, we all must commit that those honored dead did not sacrifice their lives in the Civil War in vain.


Our family also spent Memorial Day watching the marathon of war movies on the TCM and AMC cable channels. The list included “The Longest Day,” “The Green Berets,” “The Dirty Dozen,” “The Devil’s Brigade,” “Saving Private Ryan” and “The Patriot.” The theme in every one of those depictions of Americans in combat is that we don’t surrender. We never give up.


However, just a week before Memorial Day President Barack Obama took the stage at the National Defense University and did something reprehensible for Americans. He capitulated.


Obama basically stated that we have not had any major terrorist attacks on American soil. Wrong! He refused to acknowledge the attacks at Fort Hood, Texas, the Boston Marathon and even the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which is American soil.


Obama tried to convey that neither he nor any other American president could defeat terror. He then said this war, like all other wars, must end. But for Americans, we realize that wars end in one of two ways – win or lose. The enemy also has a vote, and just because you do not want to continue the fight has no meaning for them. As a matter of fact, it only emboldens them.


Chinese wrongs that go unpunished


Next week Obama meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping in California. I would have recommended meeting him at Camp Pendleton.


The United States just suffered another massive Chinese cyber attack, this time against the Pentagon in an attempt to steal weapons platform information. We know the exact origin of these attacks, just outside Shanghai. The Chinese government continues to deny any involvement, just blaming this on “hackers.” However, our intelligence community is well aware of a dedicated, specialized Chinese unit for such cyber attacks.


The cyber attacks are not the only Chinese threat. The country is undergoing a wholehearted military expansion, having increased its military spending and developed greater capability for its forces. In concert with this expansion, the Chinese have acted aggressively toward the Senkaku Islands (Japanese) and the Scarborough Shoals (Phillipines), and they have made incursions into India.


Can you imagine being Taiwan right now, especially in light of the abject silence coming from the Obama administration? And let us not forget the belligerence of North Korea – actions that we can be assured have complete Chinese backing.


According to Obama, the United States was supposed to pivot away from the Middle East to focus on the Pacific Rim. We have not pivoted at all.


Mayhem in the Middle East


In the Middle East, meanwhile, the situation has severely deteriorated. Radical Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood have a firm hold from the Maghreb (North Africa) into the Middle East. Syria has become the next chaotic battleground, and our reticence to engage early has resulted in an untenable ground situation.


Just recently Russia supplied the Syrian government with state-of-the-art anti-aircraft weapons. Let me ask you a simple rhetorical question: How many aircraft does the opposition in Syria possess? Yep, that is right, none.


But who does possess aircraft? Yep, you are right again – Israel and America, no-fly zone. This is not going to be like Libya. Well, it could, thanks to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who wants to arm the radical Islamists in Syria just like we did in Libya.


When the world sees capitulation and weakness embodied in our commander-in-chief, it is an aphrodisiac for the wolves that now salivate. Iran clearly sees a window of opportunity to become the dominant hegemony in the region, totally unchallenged.


Capitulation has left our best ally in the Middle East, Israel, facing a multi-front conflagration. Capitulation means we are truly on the verge of World War IV, with the Cold War being World War III.


Capitulation is another word for losing


No, Mr. President, the U.S. military prison that houses terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has nothing to do with history judging us or inspiring hatred and more terrorist attacks. Capitulation intoxicates those who would seek to destroy our way of life.


Obama’s speech at National Defense University will never make a Memorial Day movie because it does not honor the unique American quality of the quest for victory, which he said will be defined differently going forward.


The next generation needs a leader who can define victory just as a real American president, Ronald Reagan, once did: “We win; they lose.”


The question we must ask ourselves: Do we care to have an American leader, or shall we settle for a weak, incompetent, corrupt, petty charlatan? It seems the election of 2012 gave us a very troubling answer.


Steadfast and Loyal,

Allen B. West

Allen West “The greatest nation in the world is begging for respect and has become a laughing stock in the Middle East.”

aw israel 1

by Allen West via Facebook and Twitter

If this were not so serious I would be ROTFLMAO. President Obama steps up and says he has kept a campaign promise and withdraws all US forces from Iraq. Now, Secretary of State John Kerry is in Iraq begging them to stop allowing Iranian forces to transit through Iraq into Syria. In August 2011, I was part of a US Congressional visit – no Democrats were there – and heard PM Netanyahu request we do not empty our troop presence in Iraq which would create a vacuum to be filled by Iranian hegemonic dominance. Iraqi PM al-Maliki is just a tool of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Way to go Pres Obama, the greatest nation in the world is begging for respect and has become a laughing stock in the Middle East.


Allen West Weekly Update “Trouble is brewing on fronts foreign and domestic”


Whazzup With Obama’s Policies? – Trouble is brewing on fronts foreign and domestic

Remember the old Bud Light commercials where the guys shouted “Whazzup?” I don’t know if they helped sell product, but they were doggone comical. I wish Bud Light would bring them back.

Unfortunately when you think about events of this week, that Bud Light commercial comes to mind in a more sobering context.Consider this: President Obama made his first trip to Israel, our best ally in the Middle East, since becoming president in 2009. This comes long after trips to Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. And in Egypt in 2009 at his infamous Cairo speech, Obama stated, “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world.”Since then, Obama has ensured that the “green revolution” for democracy in Iran went unsupported. And mullahs and clerics there are thrilled that as they march toward nuclear capability, Obama still believes we can reason with them.

Obama also made certain that a new Muslim Brotherhood government rose to power in Egypt – and he gave them nice new toys like tanks, fighter jets and even money. He enabled Libya to fall under the control of radical Islamist groups and militias. Hamas and Hezbollah have become stronger, and Syrian President Bashar al-Asaad has ignored many admonitions to resign.Amid all these developments, Muslims are throwing shoes at Obama’s likeness, the greatest insult in their culture, and Palestinians are burning American flags.Whazzup?I thought we were going to have a new beginning in the Muslim world. After all, we withdrew from Iraq and have vowed to take U.S. troops from Afghanistan.I guess the power of the cult of personality just does not work in that part of the world. Israel finds itself in a far more dangerous neighborhood. And why would our president go visit the leader of a gang, Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Abu Mazen? (Oops, sorry, that is Mahmoud Abbas’ Arabic name.)

Forget domestic tranquility

The news is equally disturbing here in America. This week is the three-year anniversary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare.”The effects of Obamacare on the next generation will be horrific. Those who are 18 to 24 years old will see insurance premiums increase by 45 percent, while the hike is still a hefty 35 percent for those ages 25 to 29. By contrast, rates for the age group 55-59 are expected to decrease 12 percent.Some Americans also will lose healthcare coverage because of new rules that prohibit plans with annual limits. Obamacare is upping the minimum caps to $100,000 this year and $500,000. Commensurate student premiums could go from $500 to $2,000 or more, but then students will be able to stay on parents’ coverage until age 26.Meanwhile, there is a government takeover of student loans that will violate free-market principles, and the massive expansion of Medicaid will strain state budgets further. Sure, the federal government will pay for it, LOL. The end result of this expansion will be less funding for education – or higher state taxes.The fiscal burden we are leaving on the shoulders of future generations is nearing $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years and will explode our national debt.Hey young folks, call up AARP and ask them, “Whazzup?”



Allen West “Obama is finally realizing policy in the Middle East is not like politics in America”


by Allen West via Facebook Status Update:

If it’s not obvious then one must be blind. President Obama displays more competence in filling out a March Madness NCAA tournament bracket – which he has always submitted on time – than articulating an understanding on fiscal, tax, monetary and now, foreign policy. His joint press conference yesterday with Israeli PM Netanyahu illustrated someone completely incapable of contending with complex foreign policy issues as he whined everything is “not easy” or “too hard.” Sad thing, President Obama is finally realizing policy in the Middle East is not like politics in America (i.e. American Idol). And if Israeli Ministers said chemical weapons have been used in Syria, I trust their assessment. Guess we will be leading from behind again – down South we call that following.

Allen West and Yaron Brook “Why are we arming Egyptian radicals?” via @Next_GenTV on @PJTV


The United States is funneling billions to Egypt in the form of weapons and other foreign aid. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute thinks that Egypt’s ascendant Muslim Brotherhood is our enemy. So why are we arming the Egyptian radicals? Find out.


Obama Arms the Muslim Brotherhood: Hear Why the U.S. Should Not Buy Love in the Middle East

Allen West and Dr Michael Ledeen discuss will Venezuela embrace another authoritarian leader and Middle East Politics


Col. Allen B. West and Dr. Michael Ledeen discuss the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Dr. Ledeen talks about the theories surrounding the death of Chavez, in addition to the future of the South American state. Will Venezuela embrace another authoritarian leader? Also, West and Ledeen discuss Middle East politics. Find out what is happening in Egypt.


Death of Dictator: Will Another Authoritarian Leader Rule Venezuela?


Allen West and @Next_GenTV Discuss Middle East politics, the Daytona 500 and more


Col. Allen West, John Phillips and Michelle Fields discuss the Oscars, Middle East politics, the Daytona 500 and more on this Next Generation. What impact will the payroll tax increase have on American families? How will penalties under Obamacare impact small business hiring? Find out.


The Burden of Tax Hikes on Families and Small Businesses. Plus, A Third Intifada & Danica at Daytona

Allen West interviews investigative journalist and Israeli activist Lee Kaplan about anti-Semitism at American universities.


Allen West interviews investigative journalist and Israeli activist Lee Kaplan about anti-Semitism at American universities. Why is this happening? What can be done about it? And is the political left uniting with the Islamists on campus? Find out in this interesting conversation.


Crisis of the University: Why Are Colleges Hotbeds of anti-Semitism, and What Can Be Done?