@AllenWest ” Join with me in the oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”


by Allen West via Facebook

Today we remember and honor the United States Constitution. God bless French political writer Charles Montesquieu for inspiring our Founding Fathers – James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay – to create the system of governing philosophy for the longest existing constitutional Republic. However, let this day serve as a call to action for true American Patriots to protect and preserve our rule of law, our Constitution. Our legacy, our American exceptionalism is rooted in the immutable words of truth that begin, “We the People of the United States…” Read Dr. Larry Arnn’s book “The Founder’s Key” and Mark Levin‘s “The Liberty Amendments” and join with me in the oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”



Congressman Allen West’s Statement on the Anniversary of the Signing of the Constitution

(WASHINGTON) — Congressman Allen West (R-FL) released this statement on the 225th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution:

“Two and a quarter centuries ago, our Founding Fathers came together and signed the principled law by which all of America’s laws created thereafter would follow, the United States Constitution.  The Founders created this document to secure our fundamental rights and provide for an unprecedented degree of human freedom. The Constitution continues to protect our freedom so we can live the life we desire, without intrusion from the government or fear of retaliation for expressing the beliefs and values we hold close to us.

225 years later, the Constitution is the most important document ever created in the United States.  It also continues to be the most threatened.  Some believe the Constitution is archaic and should change with the times.  For 22 years, as an Army Officer,  I put my life on the line to defend our Constitution, and I am often offended at the lack of respect people have for our nation’s most important document.  This type of thinking is dangerous and underestimates the principles and ideas of our Founders who knew all too well the struggles of maintaining a free society.

The radical Islamist attacks this past week across the Middle East remind us how sacred freedom of speech and freedom of religion are, and that an enemy exists that will stop at nothing to take those freedoms away from us.  As a nation, these attacks and attacks like them only make us more determined to defend our liberty and freedoms.

On this Constitution Day, let us remember that none of our freedoms would be possible if it were not for the forward thinking of our Founding Fathers and the powerful document they left us.  The United States Constitution is the highest achievement of our political tradition and will forever define us as a people and a nation.  Let it always be revered and respected, as we will do whatever it takes to protect it.”